Stolen Asset Recovery Initiative (StAR) Asset Recovery Day

Tenth Session of the UN Convention Against Corruption

Atlanta, December 12, 2023

The session on Engaging Civil Society in Asset Recovery and Return moderated by Ms Roberta Solis, Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Officer, StAR Secretariat, UNODC was aimed to explore  the necessary elements for the realization of Global Forum on Asset Recovery(GFAR) principles 4 and 10 on transparency and participation of civil society organizations.

The Founder, African Center for Governance, Asset Recovery and Sustainable Development, Madam Juliet Ibekaku-Nwagwu during her presentation highlighted that it is imperative and critical that Civil Society Organizations are part of the Asset recovery process. Also, she noted that in line with the GFAR principles, the Asset return Agreements in Nigeria includes key elements like civil society monitoring, appointment of external auditors and up-to-date publication of information on the management and use of the recovered assets.

Other keynote speakers included: Mr Daniel Claman: Principal Deputy Chief, International Unit, Money Laundering and Asset Recovery Section, Department of Justice thanked the  United States of America and Ms Sara Brimbeuf, Head, Illicit Financial Flows Programme, Transparency International France.

The Speakers noted that engaging Civil Society in Asset Recovery requires allowing them to participate in the negotiation and monitoring of returned assets, granting them locus to litigate asset recovery cases and allowing CSOs to provide information to law enforcement agencies to enable tracing of stolen assets.

The African Center for Governance, Asset Recovery, and Sustainable Development (otherwise known as “the African Center”) is an independent, civil society organization with headquarters in Abuja, Nigeria. The African Center collaborates with national governments, international and regional organizations, as well as non-governmental organizations to promote good governance, sustainable development, and the rule of law. Read more:

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