Transparency International Publishes Global Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) 2023

The 2023 Transparency International’s annual Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) was released in January 2024, with 180 countries and territories assessed on a scale from 0 (highly corrupt) to 100 (very clean). The 2023 CPI showed that over two-thirds of nations scored below 50. The global average is 43, reflecting a lack of progress or regression over the past decade.

The report noted that a particularly alarming trend is the erosion of justice systems, which fuels impunity and enables corruption to remain unchecked. Corrupt practices, such as bribery and abuse of power, permeate institutions and courts, depriving the weaker sections of society of access to justice and strengthening the position of the wealthy. Countries ranking high on the CPI are not immune, as evidenced by their involvement in cross-border corruption cases.

While some countries have made strides in fighting corruption, most African countries need more support. Africa’s regional average score remains disappointing at 33 out of 100, reflecting the ongoing struggle against corruption. Ninety per cent of Sub-Saharan African countries scored below 50. Concerted efforts are needed to combat corruption and foster transparency across the continent.

A regional survey underscores corruption as one of the foremost issues Africans urge their governments to tackle. The 2023 Corruption Perception Index (CPI) reveals that Sub-Saharan African nations still have significant ground to cover in combating corruption.

Nigeria scored below the global average of 25/100, although a +1 improvement since 2022. Other countries in Africa, like Egypt (35), Zambia (37), Algeria (36), Tanzania (40), Libya (18), Cote d’Ivoire (40), Zimbabwe(24), Togo(31), Congo(22), and Guinea(26) had a score change between +1 to 5. In contrast, others in the continent had no change in scores or less since 2022.

Seychelles leads the region with a CPI score of 71, followed by Cabo Verde at 64 and Botswana at 59. On the contrary, Equatorial Guinea (17), South Sudan (13), and Somalia (11) rank the lowest, showing no signs of improvement.

Some recommendations from the CPI 2023 to promote anti-corruption and justice include strengthening the independence of the justice system, introducing integrity and monitoring mechanisms, promoting cooperation within the justice system, improving access to justice and creating avenues for more accountability in corruption cases.

As we navigate these systemic governance challenges, the African Center urges African leaders to recognise that the situation must change. Despite efforts by African countries to criminalise corruption and establish anti-corruption institutions, progress still needs to be made.

The African Center recommends adopting collective action principles to develop future anti-corruption reforms by making citizens the centre of the efforts to control corruption. Governments should encourage frequent assessments of the performance of anti-corruption agencies and other public sector institutions to ensure they remain responsive. To build citizens’ trust, government and ACAs should proactively disseminate data on all activities in the anti-corruption sector.

To learn more about the CPI 2023 index, visit: 

The African Center for Governance, Asset Recovery, and Sustainable Development (or “the African Center”) is an independent civil society organisation headquartered in Abuja, Nigeria. The African Center collaborates with national governments, international and regional organisations, and non-governmental organisations to promote good governance, sustainable development, and the rule of law. Read more:

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